T029 // From Doubt to Respect: China’s Space Rise

ALSO: French rockets coming to Australia, the concept of Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO), investigating Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), and mythological space travelers.

Read time: 12 minutes

G’day Trailblazers!

We’re Trailblazers, the Space Newsletter that keeps an eye on China's meteoric rise in space exploration and doesn't miss a beat when former astronauts urge us to delve into UFO mysteries!

And we’re back from the break! :-)

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In today’s edition

  • From Doubt to Respect: China’s Space Rise

  • What is Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO)?

  • StarGraph: Orbital and Suborbital Launch Sites of the World

  • OutOfThisWorld: Former NASA Astronaut Urges UFO Investigation

  • GhostInTheMachine: Mythology and Space Travelers


🍪 Space Economy Bites & Snaps


Frenchie Rockets, Aussie Spaceport: Sirius Space Services will begin launches from Australia's Arnhem Space Centre in 2026. This collaboration supports Europe’s growing presence in the orbital space race while providing unique access to critical orbits for global clients.

Saudi Space Ambitions: Saudi Arabia is accelerating its space sector transformation through its sovereign wealth fund-backed Neo Space Group (NSG). Focused on satellite communications, geospatial services, and IoT monitoring, NSG is poised to become a major commercial player globally. This shift is key to the Kingdom’s strategy of diversifying from oil dependency by leveraging advanced satellite technology and multi-orbit capabilities.

… and Snaps

  • Space investments: Financiers question long-term growth and exit strategies in the evolving space economy.

  • Interstellar: Japanese government awards SBIR grant, boosting tech innovation and investment in the space economy.

  • Space balloon: Crucial test completed, bringing tourist flights to the edge of space closer to reality.


🤨 What is “SSTO”?

Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO) refers to spacecraft designed to reach orbit without discarding any parts. The main advantage is potential cost reduction through full reusability and simplified operations. However, SSTO vehicles face significant technical challenges, primarily due to the rocket equation's constraints on mass ratios and propellant requirements. No Earth-launched SSTO has been achieved yet, though concepts like Skylon and Radian Aerospace have been proposed. Key hurdles include developing efficient propulsion systems, lightweight materials, and thermal protection for reentry. While SSTO remains an attractive goal, current partially reusable rockets have reduced its perceived benefits.

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💹 Investing in the Universe

Here's a list of funds that track companies in the space sector, giving investors access to the expanding space economy. These funds include firms in space exploration, satellite technology, and related areas, offering potential growth aligned with future technological advancements.

  • Procure Space ETF (UFO) ▲ $19.23 (+2.5%)

  • RK Space Exploration and Innovation (ARKX) ▲ $15.42 (+0.2%)

  • S&P Kensho Final Frontiers (ROKT) ▲ $49.05 (+1.5%)

  • The Space Index (SPACE) ▲ $785.42 (+2.43%)

Prices as of September 19, 2024 1:52 p.m. ET

Financial Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice. We do not make any guarantee about the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information in this newsletter is strictly at your own risk. We are not liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of the information provided. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified financial advisor or conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.


💬 Thoughts and Opinions from Across the Interspace

From Doubt to Respect: China’s Space Rise

This is the sixth instalment in a series by Frank, Space and tech Author. The previous episodes are available 1) here, 2) here, 3) here ,4) here, and 5) here.

June 1993 – Randy's Bar, Houston. Three young NASA scientists in their 20s are taking a break: Jim (the sarcastic), Paul (the skeptic), and Eric (the forward thinker) are having a drink.

Jim: Did you read the official press release from the newly created China Aerospace Agency with a program that spans the next century?

Paul: They should take care of their population's urgent needs rather than spending on space research and leave it to the pros.

Eric: You are both forgetting that they invented gunpowder in the 9th century and were launching ‘rockets’ in the 10th in their first military confrontations. This means, from history, they know something about moving up from gravity!

Paul: Anyway, now that the Soviets are out of the game, I can't see anyone serious on our playing field.

Jim: They'd be better off manufacturing toys and leaving these improbable dreams.

Eric: No harm in watching from afar at this point. You never know how nationalism blended with patriotism and good dynamics could unfold.

Ten years later, on October 15, 2003, the three NASA engineers are chatting over a Texas barbecue garden party.

Eric: So, guys, still full of mockery for these intrepid Chinese space dwellers?

Jim: Come on, they just sent their first astronaut into orbit today! Forty-one years after us!

Paul: I'm starting to be cautious because they are pouring a lot of finance and manpower into their space program.

Eric: And you have to admit, they profit from technological advances we didn't have back then.

June 7, 2024 – Birthday party for Eric's 55th birthday.

Jim: Happy Birthday, dear friend! Now, out of curiosity, what's you’re feeling about this latest epic second landing on the far side of the moon with a planned return with samples on the 25th of June?

Paul: I'm just sad that we can't make jokes anymore as it was an easy target. I'm wondering now about their 2030 astronaut moon landing next target.

Eric: I'm more worried than you. As a part of the Artemis board, we are targeting 2026 for our astronauts to return to the moon. But don't tell anyone; if we are fully ready by 2028, that will be a more secure date.

Jim: Oh gosh! They know we're not fully comfortable with 2026, and imagine for a second that they might accelerate and launch earlier for 2028 instead of their official announcement of 2030.

Paul: It's technically very possible as they are playing their cards close to their chest and not showing all their capabilities yet.

Eric: Hey, guys, it's my birthday today! Let's cheers with champagne for the first successful Boeing Starliner reaching the ISS with two of our team and even more for the fourth Starship trial that went 95% perfectly.

All three cheering together: USA is back in the saddle, dear Chinese space colleagues, let's race!

2 months later…

The thoughts and opinions shared in this article are strictly the authors’ own and might not match up with what we think over here at Trailblazers, The Space Newsletter™. We're all about sharing diverse views, but remember, just because we're publishing it doesn't mean we're giving it our stamp of approval or guarantee its accuracy. Enjoy the read!

Do not miss Frank’s new book!

Astropolitics 3.0: Reality Check– A Power Struggle Beyond Earth

In his 10th book, Astropolitics 3.0: Reality Check, Frank examines the escalating competition between space superpowers. As the U.S., China, and emerging players race to dominate outer space, this book cuts through the noise to provide an unfiltered analysis of the geopolitical and military battles unfolding in orbit.

Frank, a Geopolitician (DEA Paris 8) and a veteran of the satellite ecosystem, exposes the stakes, the strategies, and the looming conflicts in space—where law, technology, and power collide. If you’re looking for hard facts and sharp insights on the future of space dominance, “Astropolitics 3.0” delivers.

Published on Amazon, this book is a must-read for those shaping the future of space policy, security, and industry.


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📊 Orbital and Suborbital Launch Sites of the World

Source: BryceTech | January 2016


👽 Former NASA Astronaut Urges UFO Investigation

What is it?

Mark Kelly, the famous NASA astronaut and current Arizona senator, has recently called for increased government scrutiny of credible UFO claims. During an interview with GZero founder Ian Bremmer, Kelly emphasized the importance of thoroughly examining compelling testimonies from military personnel regarding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).

The Details

Kelly's comments specifically referenced "compelling testimony" from Navy fighter pilots, likely alluding to the Congressional testimony of ex-Naval pilot Ryan Graves last summer. Graves had described an encounter with a technologically advanced craft off the Virginia coast, which resulted in the immediate termination of their mission. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Kelly expressed his belief that Congress has an "obligation" to study UAPs. The committee is preparing to hold its first UFO hearing since last summer's headline-grabbing testimonies, which included claims of the government reverse-engineering alien technology.

Despite his extensive space experience, Kelly maintained that he hasn't personally encountered any extraterrestrial phenomena during his time orbiting Earth. This admission adds an interesting layer to his advocacy for further investigation, suggesting that his stance is based on the credibility of others' testimonies rather than personal experience.

Why It Matters

The significance of this story lies in several interconnected factors. Firstly, Kelly's background as both a NASA astronaut and a senator lends substantial credibility to the call for UFO investigations. His stance could potentially influence public perception and policy decisions regarding UAPs, elevating the discourse from fringe speculation to serious inquiry.

Furthermore, the upcoming Senate hearing represents a step towards greater government transparency in addressing UFO claims. This move could potentially lead to more open discussions about unexplained phenomena, bridging the gap between public curiosity and official acknowledgment.

From a scientific perspective, increased attention from high-profile figures like Kelly could promote more rigorous investigation into UAPs. This could potentially advance our understanding of unusual atmospheric or technological phenomena, contributing to broader scientific knowledge.

Lastly, the focus on investigating credible UFO claims has potential implications for national security in the US. Thorough examinations could lead to the discovery of advanced technologies or previously unknown aerial capabilities, which could be crucial for maintaining technological superiority and safeguarding national interests.

While Kelly's statements don't provide definitive proof of extraterrestrial activity, they underscore the growing importance of serious inquiry into unexplained aerial phenomena. By bringing this topic into mainstream political and scientific discourse, Kelly's advocacy may pave the way for more comprehensive understanding of these mysterious occurrences.

We truly live in interesting times!


🤖 Inspiration from the World of AI

Mythology and Space Travelers

Until Next Time

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