T001 // Space For All

Welcome to the first edition of Trailblazers

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G’day, Trailblazer

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Trailblazers, The Space Newsletter™!

The space economy moves fast. We slow it down to bullet-time speed, Neo style, so you don't get burned out by the overwhelming pace of innovation and news. Stay informed and inspired without the information overload.

For our very first issue, we’ll be slightly longer though, as we're diving into the latest developments in the space economy and some regulatory trends. We'll explore the concept of #SpaceForGood and share our curated list of 5 resources to enhance productivity in your personal and professional life—all with a touch of space exploration and a dash of AI humor.

To subscribe to our newsletter or share it with someone, visit us at this link.


In today’s edition

  • Regulatory & policy trends in the space industry in 2024.

  • Making space good for everyone—and the planet

  • StarGraph: Annual number of objects launched into space

  • 5 resources to boost your workflows

  • SpaceRegs: The battle for bandwidth heats up

  • GhostInTheMachine: Animals as Astronauts


🍪 Space Economy Bites & Snaps

Credit: Voyager Space


A Space Odyssey: Starlab Space, a joint venture between Airbus and Voyager Space, has chosen SpaceX's Starship to launch a commercial space station to replace the ISS by 2030. This habitat will support microgravity research and is part of the growing space industry.

Space Builders: The construction industry must adapt to support the growing space economy. The global space industry is expected to generate $1 trillion by 2040, prompting the need for modern infrastructure on Earth. This includes upgrading spaceport infrastructure and building specialized facilities for engine manufacturing.

These developments show the fast growth and commercialization of space, which is becoming more important for the global economy.

… and Snaps

  • Blue Ring: Blue Origin showcases the capabilities of its orbital transfer vehicle, Blue Ring, emphasizing its potential as a fuel depot and its role in in-space logistics and delivery - a significant advancement in space transportation.

  • Japanese Moon Lander Revived: JAXA's SLIM spacecraft, despite landing at an awkward angle on the moon, has successfully resumed operations, showcasing resilience in space exploration.

  • Moore's Law in Space: The space economy is expected to see exponential growth, creating new jobs, wealth, and improvements to life on Earth.

  • SpaceX's Mysterious Acquisition: SpaceX has intriguingly acquired a Boeing 737-800 jet, previously owned by Air China, marking a departure from its usual fleet with its purpose yet undisclosed.

  • Space Sector Struggles: Momentus, Astra, and Sidus Space face financial turmoil, potentially following Virgin Orbit's downfall.


💹 Investing in the Universe

Here's a list of funds that track companies in the space sector, giving investors access to the expanding space economy. These funds include firms in space exploration, satellite technology, and related areas, offering potential growth aligned with future technological advancements.

  • Procure Space ETF (UFO) $16.59 (+0.2%) 

  • RK Space Exploration and Innovation (ARKX) $14.24 (-0.2%)

  • S&P Kensho Final Frontiers (ROKT) $42.33 (-0.4%)

Prices as of February 1, 2024, 2:23 p.m. ET

Financial Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice. We do not make any guarantee about the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information in this newsletter is strictly at your own risk. We are not liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of the information provided. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified financial advisor or conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.


🆙 Trends in Space, Tech, and AI

Some thoughts on regulatory and policy trends affecting the space industry in 2024

We in the space community have much to celebrate as we embark on a new year. The proliferation of private space enterprises continues apace, with innovative startups pushing boundaries daily. Established players are expanding offerings and global cooperation is increasing.

Yet with growth comes growing pains. Regulatory frameworks, though well-intentioned, are struggling to keep pace with technological change. Critical issues like space debris mitigation beg coordinated global action. As space stewards, we have a duty to promote policies that balance public safety, business interests, and continued innovation.

For example, on the commercial human spaceflight front, the "learning period" restricting the FAA's authority to regulate crew safety has expired on January 1, 2024. It’s unclear if the US Congress will extend it. This would make sense given the industry's nascence, but a path should be charted toward appropriate, performance-based regulation in the coming years. The FAA's new Commercial Human Spaceflight Occupant Safety Rulemaking Committee will play a key role here.

Globally, the trend is toward national regulations rather than international agreements. While understandable from a sovereignty perspective, this risks hampering satellite coordination and on-orbit activities. There are glimmers of progress though, like the FCC's push to reform outdated satellite spectrum use rules.

Ultimately, securing the economic potential of space requires sustainable development. The lack of binding orbital debris guidelines remains a concern, but the conversation is advancing. 2024 may see meaningful steps toward incentives or standards that balance commercial interests with conservation.

The promise of space is bright, but realizing that potential demands foresight and cooperation. As always, Trailblazers’ Orbital Reach stands ready to support public and private sector clients in navigating this evolving landscape. The years ahead will challenge orthodoxies, making space lawyers' creative problem-solving talents more crucial than ever.


Space Pros: Achieve More in 2024 with Goal Setting!

With Notion, it’s never been easier to set goals… and follow through. Whether you’re kicking off a new gym routine, organizing a family trip, or tracking your space business goals, Notion makes following through on your plans easier than ever. Simply choose a template, add friends and teammates, and start making progress on your 2024 resolutions.

Click here to learn more and get started for free.


📊 Annual Number of Objects Launched Into Space

Credit: Edouard Mathieu and Max Roser (2022) - “Space Exploration and Satellites” published online at OurWorldInData.org


🌱 Making Space Good For Everyone—and the Planet

Today I want to explore an intriguing concept - "Space For Good."

Now what does this actually mean? Essentially, it refers to leveraging outer space technologies, infrastructure, and capabilities to benefit life on Earth and drive positive change.

At its core, Space For Good encompasses using space to tackle pressing issues like climate change, food and water security, health crises, and more. We're seeing promising developments on this front already. For instance, satellites provide vital Earth observation data to track deforestation, map poverty, monitor crops, and support disaster response efforts. The unique vantage point of space also enables breakthroughs in telemedicine, connectivity, navigation, and other areas that better life down here.

Progress aside, Space For Good remains an underexplored frontier brimming with potential. Entrepreneurs are cooking up audacious new space startups aiming to uplift humanity. One example is Space4Good, a social enterprise that uses space technology to support impact-driven organizations in addressing global and local challenges. Their site says it well - "we work (…) to change the status quo for a better planet and society."

The coming years will likely see Space For Good blossom into a thriving movement centered on harnessing outer space for social and environmental good. From space-based solar power to asteroid mining to orbital manufacturing to global internet access and beyond, space promises to be a difference-making domain. The opportunities feel endless, which is why Space For Good captures the imagination.

With Trailblazers, we plan to dive deeper into the concepts, visions and ideas behind the Space For Good movement. There are so many intriguing directions we could take this, from examining specific technologies and startups aiming to drive positive change, to unpacking what a sustainable and equitable space economy might look like. We want to spotlight innovators who embody the spirit of Space For Good, while also taking a solutions-focused look at the real-world problems space capabilities could help address.

Whether it’s providing global internet access, enabling precision agriculture, or monitoring climate change, the potential for space to uplift humanity feels boundless. As the industry continues evolving, we’ll analyze the latest developments through the lens of Space For Good - keeping our eyes on the prize of using space to benefit life here on our pale blue dot.

The next time you gaze up at the stars, I invite you to ponder how space could better life down here. What "impossible" dreams might we turn into reality? Food for thought, Trailblazers! If you have ideas for topics or interviews, don’t hesitate to share them in reply to this email!


🎛️ 5 Resources to Boost Your Workflows

Ayanza → An AI project management software designed to optimize scheduling and task allocation by analyzing dependencies and team availability.

Freeflyer → Software for space mission design, analysis, and operations, offering astrodynamics functionality for missions of any size, scale, or orbit regime, ITAR-free.

Notion AI 🎫 An AI platform that helps users organize and manage their tasks, projects, and notes. Try it now.

Spinach → An AI tool that streamlines project management functions, potentially useful for personal productivity and project oversight.

AI in Space Exploration → An article discussing how AI assists space missions and exploration, which can provide insights into AI's role in project management.

ECLIPSE Suite → Essential software for space industry project and mission management, which can enhance overall productivity.

🎫 indicates a promoted resource.


🧩 Developments in space governance & policy

📡 Frequency Feud: The battle for bandwidth heats up as satellite operators face the threat of losing key radio frequencies to terrestrial telecoms, with lunar communications and space-related issues dominating the agenda at the upcoming WRC-27.

🧭 Space Safety: The U.S. NOOA’s Office of Space Commerce has initiated TraCSS Pathfinder Projects, to prevent space traffic jams, ensuring satellites and space missions stay safe and sound. Additionally, a new regulatory division head was announced on January 5, 2024. These initiatives are part of the Office's efforts to regulate and support the commercial space sector


🤖 Inspiration from the World of AI

Animals as Astronauts

Source: djhx1991 & Francois Lambert on Midjourney

Until Next Time

That brings us to the end of this edition, Trailblazers! Here's how we can assist you further:

  • 📣 Elevate your brand's visibility among a vast network of space professionals and leaders by sponsoring TRAILBLAZERS. Secure your ad spot today.

  • 🚀 Unleash Your Space Venture's Potential. Discover how Orbital Reach's expertise can propel your success! Book a consultation.

  • ✍️ Have other inquiries? Just hit reply to this email. (We read and value every response.)


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Thank you for reading and see you at the next orbit!

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