T025 // The Artemis Frontier (Yee-Haw!)

ALSO: Satellite industry record growth, Artemis Accords vs International Lunar Research Station, UFO Disclosure in the Presidential Debate, and some ancient Greek AI inspiration.

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Read time: 12 minutes

G’day Trailblazers!

We’re Trailblazers, the Space Newsletter that's all about the Artemis Accords and the new frontier, where international cooperation ensures we don't just boldly go, but also play nice and share our cosmic toys!

A shorter edition this week. Let me know if we cut too much (in reply to this email)!

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In today’s edition

  • Space frontier: Yee-Haw!

  • Artemis Accords vs International Lunar Research Station

  • StarGraph: State of the Artemis Accords

  • OutOfThisWorld: UFO Disclosure in the Presidential Debate

  • GhostInTheMachine: Artemis, Apollo, and…


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🍪 Space Economy Bites & Snaps


Record Growth: The satellite industry achieved record growth in 2023, with revenues hitting $400 billion. This is crucial as it highlights the increasing global dependence on satellite technology for communication, navigation, and data services.

Starlink Impact: SpaceX's Starlink satellites may hinder ozone recovery by releasing harmful aluminum oxides during reentry. This finding is vital as it highlights potential environmental risks associated with growing satellite constellations.

… and Snaps

  • Space Women: New study finds women's bodies are better suited for space, boosting female astronaut missions.

  • Starships²: SpaceX factory to build one Starship daily (really?), revolutionizing space travel and exploration capabilities.

  • Data Lakes: European cloud tech powers Destination Earth project, enhancing data for space weather and climate predictions.

  • Space Puzzles: LEGO and ESA team up to create space bricks from moon dust, aiding future lunar construction.

  • Space Medicine: New method allows astronauts to produce medicine in space, reducing dependency on Earth supplies.


🤨 Artemis Accords vs International Lunar Research Station

The Artemis Accords, led by the U.S., and the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS), spearheaded by China and Russia, represent competing visions for international cooperation in lunar exploration. While the Accords emphasize principles like transparency, interoperability, and peaceful use aligned with the Outer Space Treaty, details on the ILRS principles are limited. With the Accords allowing commercial lunar resource extraction and the ILRS focused on scientific exploration initially, the two initiatives reflect the emerging "astropolitical alliances" that could shape the future governance of lunar activities amid broader geopolitical tensions.

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💹 Investing in the Universe

Here's a list of funds that track companies in the space sector, giving investors access to the expanding space economy. These funds include firms in space exploration, satellite technology, and related areas, offering potential growth aligned with future technological advancements.

  • Procure Space ETF (UFO) ▲ $15.89 (+0.0%)

  • RK Space Exploration and Innovation (ARKX) ▲ $15.10 (+1.5%)

  • S&P Kensho Final Frontiers (ROKT) ▲ $44.69 (+0.5%)

Prices as of May 14, 2024, 2:10 p.m. ET

Financial Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice. We do not make any guarantee about the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information in this newsletter is strictly at your own risk. We are not liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of the information provided. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified financial advisor or conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.


💬 Thoughts and Opinions from Across the Interspace

Space frontier: Yee-Haw!

This is the fourth instalment in a series by Frank, Space and tech Author. The previous episodes are available here, here, and here.

In the early 19th century, the United States was a nation obsessed with expansion. The “Frontier Theory”, proposed by historian Frederick Jackson Turner in 1893, suggested that the American character was shaped by the experience of expanding into the frontier.

In the context of 19th-century American expansionism. Frederick Jackson Turner argued that the American identity was profoundly influenced by the experience of frontier life, characterized by the conquest of new lands, self-reliance, and democratic values.

This notion became a cornerstone of American culture, justifying westward expansion and the displacement of Native American populations under the banner of Manifest Destiny.

The closing of the American frontier in the late 19th century marked a turning point. However, the frontier spirit did not vanish; it merely evolved. This theory posited that the continuous presence of a frontier shaped American democracy, culture, and society.

Fast forward to the 21st century, and the frontier is no longer a terrestrial one. The new frontier lies beyond our atmosphere, in the vast expanse of space.

The United States, true to its historical roots, approaches space exploration with the same expansionist zeal that once drove its pioneers westward. The Artemis Accords, a series of agreements among nations (40) to cooperate on lunar exploration, are touted as a scientific endeavor.

However, a closer examination reveals that these accords may be more about extending national sovereignty into space than purely about scientific discovery.

While the narrative often positions China as the primary threat in a new space race, eager to claim lunar territory for itself, it is the US and its European allies who are paving the way “subtly” for space colonization.

The space race of the mid-20th century rekindled this expansionist drive, positioning the cosmos as the new frontier. The Apollo missions of the 1960s and 70s were as much about demonstrating American technological and ideological superiority as they were about scientific exploration.

The parallels between terrestrial expansion and space exploration are striking. The rhetoric of the "final frontier" is deeply embedded in American discourse, suggesting an inherent right to explore, conquer, and settle new territories.

This mindset is evident in the nation's approach to space policy, which often emphasizes leadership, dominance, and the pioneering spirit.

The American narrative portrays space as a domain ripe for exploration and exploitation. The push to establish a human presence on the Moon and Mars is framed as a continuation of the historical imperative to expand frontiers.

This vision is not purely scientific; it carries the weight of national pride and geopolitical strategy.

The Artemis Accords, introduced by NASA in 2020, are a series of bilateral agreements with 40 countries (at this date) to facilitate cooperation on lunar exploration and beyond.

These accords aim to create a framework for peaceful and sustainable exploration of the Moon and beyond. Signatories, including major spacefaring nations like the United States, Canada, Japan, and several European countries, commit to principles such as transparency, interoperability, and the sharing of scientific data.

However, the Artemis Accords also include provisions that hint at more strategic interests. They emphasize the extraction and utilization of space resources, raising immediate questions about property rights and national jurisdiction in space.

The accords' language subtly reflects an “ethical” expansionist ethos, mirroring the territorial ambitions of the historical frontier.

While the Artemis Accords are presented as a collective effort for the advancement of humanity, there is an underlying agenda that aligns closely with the Frontier Theory.

The emphasis on resource extraction and the establishment of a sustainable human presence on the Moon and Mars suggest a long-term vision of space colonization. This vision is not merely about scientific discovery; it is about extending national sovereignty and economic influence into space.

The narrative that positions China as a competitor seeking to "grab" lunar land prior the “West” serves to justify American and European actions in space.

By casting China as the antagonist, the US and its allies can position themselves as the defenders of a noble cause, masking their own expansionist ambitions.

This tactic echoes historical justifications for territorial expansion, where perceived threats were used to legitimize aggressive policies.

The portrayal of China as the “usual suspect” competitor in the new space race is a strategic narrative serves multiple purposes. It galvanizes support for American-led initiatives and reinforces the perceived necessity of maintaining technological and strategic superiority.

However, this narrative also obscures the fact that the US and its European partners are “evidently” actively pursuing their own territorial ambitions in space.

Yet, the Artemis Accords' provisions on resource utilization suggest that the US and its allies are equally interested in claiming and exploiting extraterrestrial territory “peacefully” in the name “only” of Science.

Nevertheless, the competition with China thus becomes a convenient justification for the American expansionist agenda.

The “Frontier Theory”, deeply ingrained in the American psyche, continues to shape the nation's approach to space exploration.

The rhetoric of the "final frontier" is not merely symbolic; it reflects a persistent drive to extend national sovereignty and influence beyond Earth.

The narrative of scientific endeavor may be compelling, but it is crucial to remain vigilant about the underlying motives.

“After all, in this new frontier, there are no "Indian-Aliens" to contend with. But if there were, perhaps we should warn them to prepare for the arrival of the new pioneers, their own flags in hand!”

The thoughts and opinions shared in this article are strictly the authors’ own and might not match up with what we think over here at Trailblazers, The Space Newsletter™. We're all about sharing diverse views, but remember, just because we're publishing it doesn't mean we're giving it our stamp of approval or guarantee its accuracy. Enjoy the read!


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📊 State of Artemis Accords

Source: NASA


👾 UFO Disclosure in the Presidential Debate

What is it?

The New Paradigm Institute (NPI) has launched a social media campaign called #DebateDisclosure, urging CNN and its debate moderators to include a question about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs, in the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, 2024.

The Details

The campaign calls on the public to demand that CNN's moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash ask the presidential candidates – Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Donald J. Trump – about their commitment to UAP disclosure and government transparency. The NPI argues that the next president will make critical decisions regarding UAP disclosure, and it's time to inject this issue into the political discourse.

The campaign encourages people to use the hashtag #DebateDisclosure and tag relevant social media handles, including CNN, the moderators, and the candidates, to amplify the demand for a UAP question during the debate. The NPI's Chief Counsel, Daniel Sheehan, emphasizes the public's right to know what the government has learned about UAP after decades of study.

Why It Matters

The #DebateDisclosure campaign highlights the growing mainstream interest in the UAP topic, which was once considered taboo. With recent developments, such as the establishment of the "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection" at the National Archives, the bipartisan push for government agencies to release files, and whistleblower allegations of secret programs, the demand for transparency has intensified.

The campaign aims to hold the presidential candidates accountable and ensure that the issue of UAP disclosure and government transparency is addressed during the high-profile debate. It represents a significant step towards injecting this topic into the political discourse and compelling the next president to commit to transparency on a matter of national security and public interest.


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🤖 Inspiration from the World of AI

Artemis, Apollo, and…

Until Next Time

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